About the author
Ekanem Ebinne
Ekanem Ebinne helps piano teachers who love working with kids ages 3 to 6 but feel drained by their intensity, to instead come out of each group lesson energized for home, family life, and hobbies. She has taught preschoolers and trained their parents and teachers for 15 years. Ekanem is certified in Early Childhood and Elementary General by GIML (Gordon Institute for Music Learning) and a PhD candidate in developmental music psychology at the New University of Lisbon. Visit her blog for tutorials and ideas about creating tantrum-free lesson experiences for young learners at http://preschoolpianoprogress.weebly.com or at her Facebook community, Preschool Group Piano Progress for Teachers.
15 Reasons Parents Reject the Switch to Online Lessons, and How You Can Win Them Back
by Ekanem Ebinne
What can you do when parents reject online lessons?