About the author

Megan Desmarais

Megan Desmarais runs a dynamic piano studio in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA where she helps students from ages 0-70 to succeed with and to love music. She blogs at verypiano.com where she loves to share resources and ideas with teachers and learners of piano. Megan recently created Teach Preschool Music, a comprehensive online course for piano teachers who wish to add a preschool music program to their studio. Megan enjoys spending time with her husband and 2 kids, playing violin in a community orchestra and learning new things.

How to Use Experience-Based Activities to Motivate Piano Students

by Megan Desmarais

How do you motivate piano students? It seems like this is the question of the century and in a perfect world, every piano student would be intrinsically motivated.

11/20/2018 Read more

10 Tips on Engaging Preschool Music Students through Movement

by Megan Desmarais

Teaching Preschool Music Students Read right to the end to find out details for this week’s free live webinar on how to thrive teaching troubling toddlers! Preschoolers are a popular demographic to reach within a piano studio these days. The under five crowd is a delightful group to work with. They’re fun, curious and energetic.

04/24/2018 Read more

How to Find Your Perfect Piano Teaching Method

by Megan Desmarais

When you first start teaching music, one of the hardest things is deciding what your piano teaching method is going to be. What kind of teacher will you be? How will you inspire your students? These are all questions to consider before your first student walks into your sparkly new piano studio.

11/07/2017 Read more