About the author

Sara Campbell

Sara Campbell is a Business Strategist and Mindset Coach for music studio owners and online education experts. She’s worked with hundreds of music entrepreneurs to create customized branding foundations, business plans, and marketing and social media strategies. Her expertise is commonly featured in well-known publications, blogs, and podcasts. Sara owns a successful voice and piano studio in Pennsylvania, USA and can be found at www.sarasmusicstudio.com. 

A Piano Teacher’s Guide to Transfer Students 

by Sara Campbell

Make sure you don't miss these three crucial steps to hitting it off with your new piano transfer student.

05/31/2020 Read more

3 Tips to Beat the Summer Lesson Blues

by Sara Campbell

An aritcle by Sara Campbell from SarasMusicStudio.com. Whether you’re a first-time summer piano teacher or a 10-year seasoned veteran, we all know that the summer months can be nerve wracking for piano teachers. Vacations, holidays, and summer activities can really wreak havoc our teaching schedules! Combine those factors with income loss and lack-luster practice because ... 3 Tips to Beat the Summer Lesson Blues

04/27/2016 Read more