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Blog Roundup: Best Business Articles from Around the Web

Continuous Learning There’s only so much we can cover in one month when it comes to any given topic. In the case of this month, we have been looking at Piano Studio Business and Marketing.

Blog Roundup: Best Business Articles from Around the Web

Continuous Learning

There’s only so much we can cover in one month when it comes to any given topic. In the case of this month, we have been looking at Piano Studio Business and Marketing. Make sure you check out the opening post of the month which has links to all of the content we have posted throughout June.

If you’d like to continue learning about marketing and other aspects of running a business, we thought we would provide you with some directions.

Today’s post looks at some of the best online blog articles available to piano teachers when it comes to marketing and business.

We have curated articles from around the web that are personal, reflect real experiences and are relatable. I hope you enjoy these articles and please continue the discussion in the comment section under this post.

By the way, another place you can keep learning and developing is in Tim’s Inner Circle. This is a creative piano community designed to help you become a better piano teacher. Everyone is united in their struggles and successes.

In the Inner Circle, you will also find a brand new Studio Marketing online course. If you think this is something you might be interested in, click here for more information.

This is a new type of post we are trialling on the blog, so please, let us know in the comments what you think.

Happy reading!

How to attract more students and grow your teaching studio

This is a great, quick read that will, as the title suggests, help you think about new ways to grow your music studio.

We are living in a digital age and word of mouth, referrals and print advertising isn’t enough to ensure your business is a thriving one. Social media, networking and a solid business plan will help you forge a strong and profitable business.

Click here to read the full article.

grow your music studio

How to attract more students and grow your teaching studio. Source: The Piano Teacher

You’re doing your marketing all wrong

For those who want to dig deeper into the technical sides of marketing, this post is for you.

It’s very in depth, focusing on how to value yourself, your lessons and the time you spend teaching. If you can keep up, it’s very worth your while.

This article will encourage you to spend money, but don’t let that freak you out! Marketing can’t always be free (i.e. word of mouth) and this post will help show you where you should be spending your money.

Read more here. 

Music business marketing

What is your marketing strategy?

My best tip to stay organized

This nifty post by Tracy Selle from Upbeat Piano Teachers will show you one quick way you can become more organized in your piano studio.

It’s not a long post- it’s direct, to the point and I promise you will walk away from your computer or phone having learnt something.

If you’d like more organization and productivity tips, be sure to check out this post: Boost Your Piano Teaching Productivity with These 5 Tips

Read Tracy’s article here. 

Goal-setting strategies that work

You may remember this post that Tim wrote- What’s Your Piano Teaching Philosophy. It spoke about finding out what your motivations are for teaching.

Well, this article by The Bulletproof Musician is a great addition to this topic. It really goes into goal-setting and shows you why setting goals is so important to your success as a music teacher.

No matter what job you’re doing, you must always have a goal. This is especially important for business owners. Many music teachers own businesses in the forms of their studios. If you don’t have a clear goal for your future, how can you expect to expand or continue the profitability of your studio?

Have a think about it, and read the article here.

Music teacher goal-setting

What are your music business goals?

The ultimate guide to getting smarter with your piano studio business

Ultimate guide!? Getting smarter!? You cannot go wrong reading this post from blogger Nicola Cantan.

As a music teacher, you may not be overly attracted to the business side of running a studio. You probably never had any formal business education at university, as you were studying music. This is all new to you, so Nicola’s post will help simplify everything.

This post has you covered. It addresses all of the big business questions such as where to target your business, how to use free and paid marketing ideas as well as how to track your success.

Do yourself a favour, and read Nicola’s ultimate guide by clicking here.

One last thing…

Google is your friend.

Always keep up to date and if you don’t know something, search it on the internet.

Also, odds are we have covered any queries you have right here on Look for the search icon in the top right corner.

What did you think of this ‘best business articles’ list? Do you know of any other posts you think others could benefit from reading? Leave them in the comments section below for everyone to see.

Sean Wales

Sean is one of Tim's former students and a University of Melbourne graduate. He studied a Bachelor of Arts, majoring Media and Communications and Italian, and is currently working as a journalist for the ABC in Horsham.

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