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Free recital pieces from

As you know, I’m always on the lookout for new repertoire for my students.

Free recital pieces from

recital pieces

As you know, I’m always on the lookout for new repertoire for my students.

On a recent visit to Philip Johnston’s InsideMusicTeaching website, which is a fantastic resource for all sorts of things piano-teaching-related, I came across his new “Repertoire Browser” page where he has uploaded nine of his own piano compositions which are great for a variety of student levels and settings.

Philip is a Canberra-based teacher, composer, author and presenter and one of the best people to follow if you want to keep up with the latest ideas in music teaching.

The best thing is that all the pieces are free to download and you can listen to the music while watching the score scroll on the page all with one click – brilliant. I just love it when composers make finding and listening to their music simple (and free!).

There are some really challenging “recital opener” pieces like Overture and Celebration and a clever mash-up between Billy Joel and Elton John called Elton Joel, but I particularly liked Micro Waltz which is a relatively straight-forward waltz for intermediate students and Cryptic Prelude. Take a listen and I’m sure you’ll find music that you can use in your studio next week.

While you’re on his site, make sure you check out:

  • Links to his brilliant new book The Dynamic Studio which I’ve blogged about here.
  • Info about how to make scale practice fun with his book, Scales Bootcamp.
  • His soon-to-be-released Music Diary (“Assignment Book” for US readers) software where you can create your own personalised studio diary for your students’ practice assignments online and have it printed, bound and delivered for under $10 per book!
  • Download drills, certificates and lots of handy handouts – see my blog about these here.
  • Then there is information about his other great books: Practiceopedia and The Practice Revolution and blog articles on all sorts of useful topics to help make your studio and teaching better.

Subscription to his website is free and will allow you to keep up-to-date with all his projects. Click below to start exploring. | Repertoire Browser.

Tim Topham

Tim Topham is the founder and director of TopMusic. Tim hosts the popular Integrated Music Teaching Podcast, blogs regularly at and speaks at local and international conferences on topics such as integrated teaching, creativity, business, marketing and entrepreneurship. Tim has been featured in American Music Teacher, The Piano Teacher Magazine, California Music Teacher and EPTA Piano Professional. Tim holds an MBA in Educational Leadership, BMus, DipEd and AMusA.

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recital pieces
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  1. Elton Joel is one of my favorites. Thanks for this reminder as I look for new rep for the year.

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