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022: Whole Body Activities to Keep Students Engaged Through the Summer

Hello, my piano teacher friends! Today’s episode is all about keeping your students engaged through the summer with whole body activities. This month’s theme at TopMusic focuses on full-body learning, and I’m excited to share some creative, easy-to-implement ideas that require no extra training or planning. These activities, inspired by my experiences and wonderful suggestions from Instagram followers, will not only keep your wiggly students focused but also make learning musical concepts memorable and fun. Let’s dive into these practical strategies and keep our lessons lively all summer long!

  • Rachel shares creative, no-extra-training-needed ideas for incorporating full-body learning into piano lessons.
  • Understanding full-body learning, which is beneficial for students with short attention spans and reinforcing musical concepts.
  • Steady beat examples by having students walk or tap the beat without distractions that improve rhythm understanding.
  • Rachel provides rhythm activities, including using rhythm sticks and egg shakers.
  • Ideas from other teachers, such as interpretive dance, hopping to learn stem directions, dynamic movements, and animal dances.
  • Some activities involving moving like animals and improvising music based on those movements.
  • Simon Says Game – A simple game for teaching right and left hand finger numbers is explained.
  • Red Light Green Light Game – A rhythm game where students follow a metronome beat and freeze when the “cop” turns around.
  • Rachel introduces her new sound effects story “If Dinosaurs Came to Your Piano Lesson,” designed to include whole-body activities.

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About Rachel Ehring

Dr. Rachel Ehring is a pianist, teacher, music administrator, and lover of piano teaching gadgets. She holds a DMA in Collaborative Piano from the University of Colorado Boulder and a MM in Accompanying from the University of Kansas. She currently serves as Director at St. John’s Conservatory of the Arts in Orange County, CA. Previously, she held positions at Concordia University Irvine and Henderson State University. Rachel is passionate about empowering music teachers to create engaging and exciting lessons for students of all ages. When she isn’t playing the piano, you might find Rachel reading books with her son or walking her beagle Frieda.

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