TopMusicPro helped me hone in and decide when I best teach, what kind of student I like to teach, and how I relate. It helped me to realise that this is my business and I can build it around me and my needs. I do not have to take anything that comes my way.
Erin’s Results
- Helped define the business she wanted to own
- Gave more clarity on pedagogical methods
- Gained perspective from industry professionals
- Built a successful studio that aligns with her goals
How TopMusicPro helped Erin build a thriving music studio
- A catalogue of high quality resources
- Podcasts that feature industry professionals
- Group training sessions
- The ability to interact with like-minded music professionals
What was your life like before TopMusicPro?
My name is Erin Oliver, and I live in Puyallup, Washington. I have a home studio, teaching piano. When I first started piano teaching I really did not know what I was doing. I came to teach piano on the side.
I did not go to school for music; I was a classroom teacher. When I became a stay-at-home mum, I ended up teaching piano as a way to stay home and make some money on the side. I just did not feel like a real piano teacher.
I was taking piano lessons from someone who has a piano pedagogy degree but I did not really understand the business side of things. I felt like I had to take every student that came to me because I did not have a clear sense of who I was as a business person.
What changed for you after working with TopMusicPro?
What TopMusicPro made clear to me was that it does not matter whether you are working with a studio of 50 or 60 kids, you are the one in control.
It is the Piano Pivot class that really helped me realise that I have power to make a change. If I needed to know about anything, Tim has the knowledge base of all the professionals he has interviewed on his podcast and all the resources on his website.
If I wanted to know about teaching group lessons there is a podcast about it that I can look up. If I want to know about burnout in teachers, there is a resource there.
Teaching online was particularly rough. I actually looked on TopMusicPro for information about dealing with burnout and there are just great resources there that you can go to!
The entire platform is an incredible brains trust of great music teachers, business people, and pedagogues.
What are your favourite resources from TopMusicPro?
I believe the podcasts have had the biggest impact on my studio and my teaching. There is an impressive back catalogue of podcasts that you can search.
They are also all in transcript form so that you do not necessarily have to listen to the podcast. I read faster than I can listen, so I can just scan through quickly for the information I need. The podcasts are great!
Is TopMusicPro worth the investment?
I would absolutely say TopMusicPro is worth the investment because of the brains trust there. It is not just Tim’s thoughts. It is piano teachers and business owners from all around the world on the platform.
You can pick their brains to see what they have done and what has worked for them. I would definitely say TopMusicPro is a great investment for your business, and your teaching.
Would you recommend TopMusicPro?
TopMusicPro is great for someone who maybe did not come to music teaching out of college, or who is struggling to build a business and retain students.
It would also be great for anyone looking to scale up their business, who is unsure about what to do. This includes those music teachers who are afraid of success and making money in their business.
TopMusicPro gives you everything you need to be an amazing teacher and business owner. It can only benefit the profession.