TopMusicPro celebrates 5 years of service to the music teaching community
This Saturday marks TopMusicPro’s 5th Birthday, and what a journey it’s been! We are so grateful to all of our amazing music teachers who have been with us from the start or joined us along the way.
Picture Tim travelling to piano students’ houses via motorcycle. I know—sounds like a pretty cool piano teacher, right?
Well, behind the scenes, he felt like something was missing. He had a student named Henry who wanted to progress through exams, but Tim was feeling a little unsure of the best way to prepare him. So, what better to do than reach out to your childhood piano teacher for advice? His teacher, Ms Mac, was thrilled to learn that one of her former students was now teaching piano. She went above and beyond to guide Tim on his journey to become a better teacher. And so began what Tim describes as an incredible journey of discovery—researching best teaching practices, watching performances, participating in master classes, etc.
Tim was feeling so blessed to have learned all of this, he was inspired to share the knowledge with other teachers. So, he started a blog. And the rest is history…
Piano teacher delegates at Piano Pivot Live conference in Melbourne learning full-body teaching.
Several keynote speakers from Piano Pivot Live conference
TopMusicPro is all about helping music teachers learn about the most up-to-date best practices in topics like pedagogy, time management, business, and marketing. We want to help you become the most innovative teacher you can be and help you focus on what you do best. We do that through offering lots of online courses and tons of webinars, workshops, handouts and tips from experts across many fields. If you are a music teacher who needs new skills or wants to work on professional development, we are here for you. And if you are feeling isolated, we’ve got an amazing community of teachers who support each other in our specially created forum all inside our member website and app. Let us help you become an even more confident music teacher.
Initially, it can be overwhelming when you first join to know where to start. We’ll help you set your initial goal and then suggest courses and content that best fit your goal. Think of it as a supermarket. We offer a lot on the shelves, but you don’t have to get all of it in one stop. We’ll guide you to find what you need through tools like our Course Compass and Roadmap. As Tim says, “It’s not about trying to do everything. It’s about doing one thing really well. And the next thing really well. Then it builds up over time.”
All members including Lite members receive TopMusicSheets collections each month (8-10 studio licensed pieces across all levels), and access to some webinars, downloads, and discounts. Studio members can access over 30 courses, lesson plans, more discounts, technology tutorials, website reviews, and more. And if you’re ready to expand into entrepreneurial endeavours, join us in our Evolution membership for coaching, more targeted courses for business owners, and access to expert interviews.
Teachers collaborating on professional ed goals
We’ve got a new theme and redesigned app coming very soon with better search options, better organization, and tons of new features.
As today’s world is just getting more and more fast-paced, we are committed to creating more content that you can digest in one sitting. We’re also creating more ways to help support teachers who like having more accountability to help them stay on track with their goals.
More member discounts are being announced very soon. And we’re so excited to expand what we offer to music teachers across multiple instruments, too.
Pro teacher member Mary and friends
March 13th is the official day, but we just couldn’t wait to celebrate!
This weekend only, we’re offering a very rare offer on annual membership in gratitude towards our music teaching community. If you join Pro Studio, you’ll get the very best pricing available, (see Annual!) open to new AND to current members. (But only for this weekend and then it’s gone!)
Finally, wherever you are, know that we are so grateful for all of you who have made these 5 years so full of joy and great music.
James Harding says:
Congratulations! I’ve worked with so many piano teachers here in the US who feel alone and isolated. I have begun pointing them to you all and the response has been fantastic! They are learning a lot and they are thrilled to see the great advice here for the struggles they face in lessons. Thanks for all you do!