Integrated Music Teaching Logo

Welcome Delegates!

Thanks for investing in your CPD by being at this event. To help with your teaching this year, I’d like to give you a bunch of freebies that I’ve created over the last 10 years covering many areas of music pedagogy.

Enter your email below for instant access.


Here’s what you’ll get in today’s bundle of goodies:

Free Studio-Licensed Sheet Music Collections:


Studio-licensed sheet ​music collection by Forrest Kinney


Studio-licensed sheet ​music collection by Chris Owenby


Studio-licensed sheet ​music collection by Kevin Olson

2 Top-Rated E-Books:


Find Students Fast E-Book

The Essential Music Teacher Marketing Checklist


Teen Teaching Toolkit

How to motivate, inspire and retain your teenage piano students

6 Favourite Cheat Sheets and Lesson Plans


Four Chord Composing First Lesson Plan

Printable first lesson plan, practice assignments and creative extension activities


3-Step Music Mashup

My three-step mashup plan flow chart


Modes Workflow

A quick-reference printable to the steps on finding out what mode any piece of music is in


First Adult Lesson Checklist

A checklist/flow chart to help you navigate the first lesson with an adult student


Studio Policy Tuneup Powerpack

Tune up your policy and client communication with these tips and templates


No Book Beginners Lesson 1

Get your student excited to explore the piano and start building rapport with them

Just share your details below to access.

Top Music Teaching Piano and Guitar



Tim Topham is the founder of TopMusicCo, the world’s biggest online community of independent music teachers. Tim has 20+ years’ classroom and music teaching experience including 10 years of music entrepreneurship. He’s an internationally-recognised speaker, author, podcaster and blogger and holds degrees including an MBA, BMus and DipEd.