AMusA and Diploma
General Knowledge Study Guide

AMusA and Diploma General Knowledge Study Guide – Part 1
In Part 1, we take an overview of the General Knowledge expectations of the AMusA Diploma. By studying the syllabus, we put in plain English “what you need to know” for each of the sections. We study example questions to give you a taste for what to expect and, importantly, we look over the main periods of music history, knowledge of which will form an important basis of your discussion.
AMusA and Diploma General Knowledge Study Guide – Part 2
In Part 2, we dive deeply into what you need to know about Baroque music, in particular the music of Bach. Even if you’re not performing a Bach piece for your exam, his work had such an impact on music that you need to know about his music and periods of his life for an understanding of both this era and the ones coming later. We also unpack everything you need to know if you’re performing his Partita No 2 in C minor (1st movement) including characteristics, movements and over eight pages of example questions and complete answers.
AMusA and Diploma General Knowledge Study Guide – Part 3
In Part 3, we dive deeply into what you need to know about Classical music, in particular the music of Beethoven. Even if you’re not performing a Beethoven work for your exam, his work had such an impact on classical music that you should know about his music and periods of his life for an understanding of both this era and the ones coming later. We also unpack everything you need to know if you’re performing any Beethoven Sonata – including an in-depth look at Sonata Form, the influence of Scarlatti and it’s antecedents and consequents. Beethoven’s Sonata No 12 in Ab major then takes focus including why it’s unusual, its characteristics, movements and seven pages of example questions and complete answers.
AMusA and Diploma General Knowledge Study Guide – Part 4
In Part 4, we dive deeply into what you need to know about the Romantic era, in particular focussing on the life and music of Rachmaninov. We unpack everything you need to know about this era – including Characteristics, Forms, Trends and Composers. We then explore Rachmaninov – his life and work and finally focus in on his fantastic Elegie in E flat minor. You’ll then find seven pages of example questions and complete answers that are similar to what you may be asked in your exam.
AMusA and Diploma General Knowledge Study Guide – Part 5
In Part 5, the last in this series, we explore what you need to know about the Modern Era (twentieth and twenty-first century), in particular focussing on the life and music of Australian composer Elena Kats-Chernin. We unpack everything you need to know about this era – including Characteristics, Forms, Trends and Composers. We then explore the music of Kats-Chernin – her life and work and finally focus in on one of my favourite ragtime pieces: the Russian Rag. We dive into Ragtime as a genre and then share four pages of example questions and complete answers that are similar to what you may be asked in your exam.
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