Free Piano Teacher Training Webinars
We regularly hold online webinars, offering free training to piano teachers. Here’s a small selection of our most popular webinars, which you can attend at a time to suit you. Enjoy!
No Book Beginners
If you tend to open a method book in the first three lessons with a new student,
then I’d like to change your thinking about what’s possible.
How to Teach Intermediate Students with Direction and Confidence
When your student has outgrown the sequential method books, it’s time to shift into the frontier of intermediate piano music, build their technique and practice habits, preparing them not only for advanced music, but to be able to play for life.
How to Teach Pop Music the Right Way
Teaching pop can present some challenges when students choose music that is above their current level or very rhythmically complicated. So, why teach it?
Don’t miss out on future webinars
More webinars covering a range of topics
I have covered a wide variety of topics in my webinars, helping hundreds of teacher around the globe to improve their teaching practices.
All my webinars are exclusively available in my TopMusicPro Membership Site.
The business of group teaching
In this webinar, Melanie Bowes joined us to explore the business of setting up and running a group teaching studio. From choosing appropriate age groups, finding suitable business locations to pricing, policies and lesson planning, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to running your group studio.
Innovative Lesson Formats
Join Nicola Cantan and Tim Topham in this webinar and explore innovative lesson formats such as buddy lessons, workshops or music labs to maximise income while teaching less hours.
Unleash Your Creativity with Easy Music Mashups
“Mashing-up” a piece of repertoire as a basis for fun and easy creative activities like improvising and rearranging. Not only will Music Mashups unleash your own creativity and give you lots of ideas for how you can get creative with any piece a student is learning, your students will have a great time exploring and making a deeper connection with the music they’re playing.
Taking the Lead: How to play and teach lead sheets with confidence
In this free online training seminar, author, teacher and composer Forrest Kinney we’ll be joining me to share his wisdom about all things chords, creativity and lead sheets.
How to Scale Your Studio and Hire Hero Teachers
In this webinar, Joyce Ong gives away all her secrets about scaling her business and to answer all your questions about growing, hiring, finding space, staying organised and making the most of your growing business.
Funking up your piano studio with GarageBand
One of the most overwhelming things about getting started with a new app like GarageBand is just how complicated it seems at first. There are so many buttons, choices and options! What do you do? Where do you start? In this webinar replay you’ll be able to watch me actually use the app live and create a composition on camera.
Preschool Piano Teaching
Making preschool piano lessons effective is really just about simple but all important tweaks to your teaching. You don’t have to throw out everything you do. You just need to change your perspective and understand the key differences in how this age group learns. You’ll find all kinds of tips and tricks to teaching preschool piano students in this webinar replay.
How to Approach Adult Piano Teaching for Maximum Impact
In this webinar we went live with Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano to discuss how to maximise your impact on your adult piano students. Tom and Tim shared innovative ways to attract, schedule and retain adult students and discussing approaches and activities that will resonate and inspire.
Building Blocks to Create a Strong Foundation for Our Students
In this webinar I focused on how to strengthen our students’ foundation as piano players. Throughout the session I gave you some building blocks to help build those foundations.
Successful Strategies for Thriving in a New (or Improved) Studio
When you’re setting up a piano teaching studio there’s a lot to consider. You need to put great business practices in place, set your fees, market yourself and try to be the best teacher you can be. This webinar will show you everything you need to know to have a successful studio, whether you’re brand new, or just need to hit the refresh button.
Making Aural Fun
Discover innovative ways to incorporate ear training in your lessons and make your student fall in love with developing their aural skills.
4 Chord Composing
Want to explore composition with your students but unsure where to start? Let me show you how easy it is to get creative with students by helping them compose chord-based music in lessons that sounds just like the music they hear on the radio! I’ll show you everything you need to know!
Piano Studio Marketing
Learn how to create retention strategies, how to market your studio both online and off-line, learn how to build your studio brand and more in this marketing webinar.
Creative Beginner Teaching [No Book Beginners]
My most popular training in the Inner Circle, this webinar is all about how to teach beginners creatively without even opening a method book.
Teaching Creatively with the Blues
Learn how to teach the 12 bar blues starting with the chords and moving onto basic jazz improv.
Effective 21st Century Teaching with Paul Harris
Find out all about this innovative approach to teaching piano lessons, using Paul Harris’ highly regarded Simultaneous Learning Approach.
Pop Music: Student Saver or Time Waster?
This webinar was a presentation I gave for the MusicEdConnect Online Conference in 2016. In it, I cover lots of aspects regarding teaching popular music styles.
How To Teach Online Piano Lessons
Join Tim and special guest Brenda Hunting, a piano teacher, studio owner and teacher mentor from Brisbane with heaps of experience in online teaching. Not only does she regularly teach students online, she is also the go-to technical person for streaming live events and running webinars and workshops.
5 Tools to Boost Your Teaching and Studio Productivity
You’ve no doubt heard all about Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, etc. But what does it all mean, how do they work and, most importantly, how can they help you streamline your productivity? In this webinar, IC Expert and Productivity Whiz-Teacher Joyce Ong shows you first-hand how she uses a number of free apps to streamline her Music School.
The Wild West of Studio Marketing with Amy Chaplin
If you’d like to get a head-start on what works in studio marketing, then this is the webinar for you. In this webinar, IC Expert Teacher, Amy Chaplin shows you the results of her own studio marketing efforts when she moved to a completely new area and had to start from scratch. Amy has documented and graphed the results of 4 years’ worth of advertising and marketing strategies to work out what’s the best for piano teachers. You’ll be surprised at the results.