Integrated Music Teaching Logo

Comprehensive Online Courses

by Leading Music Teachers


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Teaching Beginners with Whole Body Learning

If you want to engage your students and see them internalise their music, this course is for you!

TopMusic Certification Unit One

Unit One focuses on how to teach creatively and encourage student creativity from the first lesson, as well as teaching with a holistic, integrated approach.

Taking the Plunge: Music Teacher Action Plan

How to grow your studio without spending endless hours or breaking the bank

Integrated Music Teaching

In this series of keynote presentation segments, Tim outlines the value of teaching music in an integrated way for maximum engagement.

Live Coaching QnA: Solving Common Studio Problems and Solutions

Discussion with a group of teachers about studio problems and sharing solutions.

Mike Grande’s Marketing and Studio Secrets

Grow and scale your business with innovative tips and guerilla marketing ideas from Mike Grande of Rock Out Loud.

Unfazed: Teaching Neurodivergent Students

Understand the best ways to teach neurodivergent music students with Selena Pistoreis, the creator of the Milestone Method

Advancing Pianists Course

Learn how to teach repertoire to your advanced students with lessons from Janna Williamson

Teaching Online Lessons

Embark on a journey to become a virtuoso in online piano instruction!

Upbeat Moms

How to balance family life and running your own music education business

Courses By Leading Teachers

TopMusic courses are created by today’s leading instrumental teachers, bringing you expert-level advice and know-how for your teaching studio.

Don’t just take our word for it

Here’s what some of our members had to say about their membership:

The biggest thing I have gotten out of TopMusicPro is the affirmation that I am on the right track.

– Catherine Falce

My biggest win is having a lot more peace of mind as a teacher and business owner. The support from TopMusicPro was indispensable.

– Mary Chalaby

There is so much in the TopMusicPro academy. I liked the forums in particular.

– Anita Elise Kohli

I went from about 35 students to 65. I ended up doing three classes and I have a waiting list.

– Kristi Lee

Using TopMusicPro has just been a total delight, and made my job so much easier and more joyful.

– Kelly Jenkins

Boost your skills with our most popular pedagogy and business courses, created for music teachers.

Purchase any course for $US149 and get 1-year access to the materials, including videos, resources, and lesson plans.
Or simply join our membership to get access to all 50+ courses in our library.

No Book Beginners

Do you want your beginner students to be 100% engaged and having FUN with music from the very first lesson? Beginner piano lessons should be the most exciting, creative and engaging lessons you teach.

And you can do it all without even touching a method book. Check out our No Book Beginners Framework.

Teen and Transfer Teaching Toolkit

Learn how to motivate, inspire and retain your teen and transfer students.

You can utilise this popular framework for teaching energising, rewarding and cool lessons for your teen and transfer students.

Studio Policy Tune Up Powerpack

Cure studio owner headaches for good with the this studio admin powerpack. Efficient solutions for tuition, makeup lessons, and more will help you save time and provide a smooth, professional experience for your studio families.

Teaching Students with Special Needs

How great would it feel to welcome students with exceptionalities into your studio, knowing you are well-equipped to teach each person? This course brings you resources from a leading special needs teacher, to help you understand strategies for teaching and creating a welcoming space for all learners.

Taking the Lead Course with Forrest Kinney

Teach your students to play confidently in any style using lead sheets. Use a simple, step-by-step path to connect the dots between traditional theory and lead sheet playing.

Learn the steps to successfully guide students to play any style of music on the piano.

4 Chord Composing Course

Introduce your students to the fun & power of a chord-based approach.

Help students learn and understand the chordal structure of music and teach chord progressions and chord types through the context of composing pop style 4 chord progressions.students to play any style of music on the piano.


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Alternatively, select courses are available to purchase individually.
Scroll down for more information.


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By becoming a member of TopMusicPro, you can unlock all of these courses (and many more) with a $49US monthly membership, or get 2 months for free in an annual membership.


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