Teaching Your First 10 Guitar Lessons
Help brand new guitar students get started within the first 10 lessons
Lesson 1: Getting to Know the Student
The first thing you should do when meeting with a new student is to take some time to get to know them as a person.
Take some time to ask them questions to find out about who they are, what their interests are, the kind of music they
listen to and wish to learn how to play, as well as their goals as a guitar player.
Teaching guitar is only 20% guitar playing and 80% psychology. And if you take the time to listen to your students, they will tell you everything that you need to know about them and how to help them. If you understand their needs and cater to them, your students will develop a deep connection with you and stay learning with you well beyond the normal life cycle of a student.
Here are some great prompts for questions:
✅ What do they like doing for fun?
✅ What sports do they play or hobbies do they participate in?
✅ What are their favorite movies and TV shows?
✅ What their family/home life is like?
✅ What pets do they have?
✅ What music do they like?
✅ Who their favorite band or guitar player is?
✅ What their musical goals are?
✅ What is the coolest thing they could do on guitar?
Try and find out something new about your students every lesson and build on your knowledge
and understanding of them every week.
Lesson 2:
Parts of the Guitar
Lesson 3:
How to Sit with a Guitar
Lesson 4:
How to Pick
Lesson 5:
How to Fret Notes
Lesson 6:
How to Navigate the Fretboard
Lesson 7:
How to Strum
Lesson 8:
How to Read Music
Lesson 9:
How to Learn and Memorise Things
Lesson 10:
How to Play a Scale
Michael Gumley is founder at Melbourne Guitar Academy, creator of Guitar Dojo Online and Guitar Ninjas, and TopMusic’s Head of Guitar. Michael shares his passion for guitar and enthusiasm for learning with his students as well as his knowledge and expertise with guitar teachers the world over inside the TopMusicGuitar community.