The 5 Day Piano Pivot (5DPP) is a worldwide challenge in which piano studio owners across the globe come together to dream big, assess their current situation, set goals and plan their journey to achieving them, all with the support of all the other Pivoters.
The 2017 5DPP officially starts on Monday 4 December, however to get you in the right mindset, we’ll actually kick it off on Sunday 3 December for a “Dream Big” Prelaunch and we’ll wrap it all up on Saturday 9th December.
NOTE: These dates are for Melbourne. In US/UK? This will be the day before.
Want to join the challenge? Did you miss registering and downloading your 5DPP Playbook?
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LIVE DATE/TIME: Sunday 3 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Sat 2/12 4pm ET | Sat 2/12 1pm PT | Sat 2/12 9pm GMT
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Here’s the replay:
LIVE DATE/TIME: Monday 4 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Sun 3/12 4pm ET | Sun 3/12 1pm PT | Sun 3/12 9pm GMT
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Here’s the replay:
LIVE DATE/TIME: Tuesday 4 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Mon 4/12 4pm ET | Mon 4/12 1pm PT | Mon 4/12 9pm GMT
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Here’s the replay:
LIVE DATE/TIME: Wednesday 6 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Tue 5/12 4pm ET | Tue 5/12 1pm PT | Tue 5/12 9pm GMT
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Here’s the replay:
LIVE DATE/TIME: Thursday 7 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Wed 6/12 4pm ET | Wed 6/12 1pm PT | Wed 6/12 9pm GMT
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Here’s the replay:
LIVE DATE/TIME: Friday 8 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Thu 7/12 4pm ET | Thu 7/12 1pm PT | Thu 7/12 9pm GMT
Click this button to add to calendar:
Here’s the replay:
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LIVE DATE/TIME: Saturday 9 December (Melbourne) 8am ADST
Fri 8/12 4pm ET | Fri 8/12 1pm PT | Fri 8/12 9pm GMT
Click this button to add to calendar:
Here’s the replay:
Thanks for being a part of this year’s Piano Pivot. I hope you’ve got a lot out of being involved.
I look forward to seeing and hearing about your studio progress in the first quarter of 2018 🙂
Missed out this time? Stay tuned for another 5DPP in 2018.