Rosemarie Penner

TopMusicPro Evolution Community Guide

Rosemarie Penner is an educator, composer, writer & clinician. She has a Bachelor of Education (with a focus on special needs education) plus ALCM teaching diploma in piano pedagogy. One of the main things Rosemarie has learnt in over a decade of teaching is that, as educators, we never really stop learning or exploring new ideas. When Rosemarie isn’t teaching, writing, or composing, she loves spending time with her family, reading copious amounts of novels, enjoying a cup of tea, & baking plant-based goodies! The Unfinished Lesson is her guide to balance for your life & creativity for your studio. Rosemarie believes that you should never have to choose. She focuses on all the skills that take teaching & running a business from overwhelming to fulfilling through creative strategies & engaging music!

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