Piano Music for Boys Finding motivating piano music, especially for beginner and intermediate teenage boys, can be difficult. Thankfully, there are a number of composers writing really good music for this demographic around the world. I’ve already blogged about Jo Kochie and Geri Rea; today’s profile is on Brisbane-based composer/teacher Daniel McFarlane, who offers readers of topmusic.
Finding motivating piano music, especially for beginner and intermediate teenage boys, can be difficult. Thankfully, there are a number of composers writing really good music for this demographic around the world. I’ve already blogged about Jo Kochie and Geri Rea; today’s profile is on Brisbane-based composer/teacher Daniel McFarlane, who offers readers of topmusic.co a special offer on his music below.
I’ve been a long-time admirer of Daniel McFarlane’s music. He has an uncanny ability to write catchy, interesting pieces based on simple musical motives and progressions. I’ve found his music has endless appeal in my studio whether students are beginners or advanced, old or young.
Best of all, his digital subscription service means that with an inexpensive yearly subscription, you not only get full access to all his music, but you Multiple Copy Licence which allows you to print as many pieces as you need for use in your studio for a year. In addition, digital subscribers get 50% off any of his printed books if you prefer bound hard copies.
How could you go wrong?
Daniel’s music is especially appealing to boys. In my high school teaching role, I take on many 12/13 year old male beginners who need music that looks and sounds as ‘cool’ as possible if they want to keep motivated through the next 4 – 5 years of high school. In my experience, teen beginners often have the hardest time learning piano. They want to play exciting popular music that their friends will appreciate (and be awestruck by!) but usually don’t have the technique or reading ability to back it up for a number of years. This is where Daniel’s pieces are real pupil-savers.
His music appeals to boys because it:
Daniels music is available via a digital subscription or in print at supersonicspiano.com.
The digital products on my site are available with two licenses – “single print” and “studio licensed”. A “single print” is for your own personal use or for the use of a single student. “Studio licensed” pieces and books can be used with as many of your students as you like forever! (Full terms are detailed here.) Thank you for being a great teacher and supporting my work on this website by purchasing the correct license.
If you have purchased any “single print” pieces or books in the past and would like to upgrade (you only pay the difference between the two prices) you can do so here.
I believe that the Studio Licence is going to be the way of sheet music publishing in the future. We all know that music gets scanned, copied and shared around. While most publishers ignore or fight against it, Daniel has accepted the reality and decided to work with it. It is similar to the massive change that happened when Apple started selling individual track downloads on iTunes rather than physical CDs – the music industry’s income model changed forever.
The ability to print multiple copies of pieces is brilliant for those teachers working to increase the amount of repertoire their students play. It’s also great material for sight reading. Best of all, as the music is available as PDFs, you can upload it straight to your iPad without breaking copyright law by scanning!
If you’re interested in reading more about digital publishing, check out my article Finally! Digital sheet music copyright is starting to make sense. It will be interesting to see how this field develops in the coming years.
Here’s a summary of the pieces previewed:
Remember that you can access 12 of his pieces for free just by becoming a subscriber to his mailing list at supersonicspiano.com!
Kristy says:
Love this article! Love Daniel McFarlane’s composing style too!
heleneager says:
Thanks Tim…. Good to know about these pieces. I have just subscribed.
Coo Jarvis says:
And not just for the boys! I’ve found my teenage girl students have loved playing Daniel’s pieces too.
Julia says:
I live in the US and am happy to know about these pieces. I’m starting to use them in my studio this week! Thanks for featuring them.
Becca says:
Excited for these! I love teaching boys, and find they are much easier, so I’m happy to have some great music for them. Thanks, Tim!
Dan says:
Thanks for the tip Tim! I’ve used a lot of Christopher Norton, and Kerin Bailey which is wonderful, but it’s great to have access to such a large library of McFarlane’s music. With the subscription, it’s particularly good to have the option of printing off the easier pieces for intermediate students to sight read or to have something relatively easy but very rewarding to play. Just subscribed!
Esther says:
Thanks so much for this! I just introduced Going Undercover to one of my 13 year old boys, and he loved it instantly!
Robert says:
Many many thank yous.
I am off immediately to subscribe to Daniel McFarlane’s newsletter.
I believe this music will resonate beautifully with my 11 yr old son…traditional lessons are really frustrating him…the lit does not often speak to him.
I will try to keep you posted.