340: Remixing the Music Lesson – Live from NCKP 2023!

340: Remixing the Music Lesson - Live from NCKP 2023!

In today’s episode, we have a special treat for you. We’re bringing you my 25-minute presentation from the NCKP 2023 Conference in Chicago. While we’re not broadcasting live, I’m thrilled to share my speech, titled “Remixing the Music Lesson: How Integrated Music Teaching Can Connect with the TikTok Generation.” The NCKP conference holds a special place in my heart. And I’m excited to take you through the condensed version of my keynote.

In this presentation, we explore the concept of “remixing the music lesson” through the lens of integrated music teaching and how it can resonate with the TikTok-savvy generation of students. We delve into the limitations of traditional linear teaching methods. We highlight the power of creativity in bridging the gap between theory and practice. I also share the three-step integration model, emphasizing the importance of analyzing music, making connections within the repertoire and the student’s life, and integrating creative activities to deepen understanding and meaning. By immersing students in novel learning experiences, I encourage teachers to inspire curiosity and autonomy, ultimately transforming the music learning process into a dynamic and meaningful journey for each student.

Although I usually have slides accompanying my presentations, I believe this audio version will be equally impactful. So open your mind  and let’s dive into the world of remixing the music lesson. I hope you find at least one gem of wisdom to incorporate into your teaching.

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