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TC246: Why ALL students need to sing with Nikki Loney from The Full Voice Podcast

TopCast 246 - Why ALL students need to sing with Nikki Loney from The Full Voice Podcast

Have you ever considered implementing singing in each of your lessons? Or is it already a part of your teaching routine? There is so much benefit to be gained from this exercise and this is what Nikki Loney and I are going to talk about today.

Nikki is the owner of The Full Voice, The Full Voice Music (a publishing company), and host of The Full Voice Podcast. In this episode, she shares some practical tips and ideas for getting started in including singing in instrumental lessons.

It is so valuable in teaching and learning instruments which is why singing is also a core part of my No Book Beginner Framework. It’s about how I teach in those first 3 to 10 lessons without any reading and without any method books. But there is a lot of singing, chanting, and clap backs, and musical conversations, and percussion, and all that kind of stuff because it’s so important.

  • [03:16] Nikki’s story of how she came to do what she’s doing now.
  • [08:21] The importance of singing for instrumentalists.
  • [15:45] Initial things we can do with students ages 6 and 7 for singing.
  • [20:45] Enhancing lessons with singing work.
  • [23:26] Her take on Kazoos.
  • [24:03] Improvements teachers who start encouraging singing in their lessons can expect from their students.
  • [27:55] Nikki tells us about the Full Voice Podcast.
  • [30:59] She shares about her publishing company Full Voice Music.
  • [36:15] Final thoughts from Nikki. 

Transcript of the show

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Today’s Guest

TopCast 246 - Why ALL students need to sing with Nikki Loney from The Full Voice Podcast

Nikki Loney is a voice teacher, podcaster and vocal music resource creator from Canada. Nikki has been working with singers of all ages and abilities for 30 years. She discovered her teaching inspiration came from her youngest voice students. Her evil agenda is to inspire teachers to welcome young singers into their teaching studios. And her publishing company, Full Voice Music, has been intriguing voice teachers with fun and educational, vocal music resources for more than 20 years now.

Today’s Sponsor

Newzik is a unique digital score platform that lets you work in real-time with other musicians. With over 100,000+ users, Newzik lets you organize your scores in a digital library accessible at all times, enrich your scores with multimedia files including YouTube videos, and most importantly share your scores and markings in real-time with your band, your students, or your entire orchestra. Newzik offers a free-forever option as well as affordable subscriptions with unlimited storage and extra features such as Maestria, the first Optical Music Recognition technology based on artificial intelligence, which lets you turn paper into interactive digital scores.

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