TC274: Is It Time to Double Your Rates? Chat with Eric Branner of Fons

TopCast 274 - Is it time to double your rates? Chat with Eric Branner of Fons

In this episode, Eric Branner of Fons will give us details on how you can create a plan to double your rates and grow your studio while enjoying teaching. The ideas he shares will help you think about different ways to renew your business and feel more confident about it. We also dive into how Fons, a studio management software he co-founded, can help you in this journey. If you want tips on how to charge more for your teaching services and more, this podcast will be a great place to start.

  • Eric tells us about his musical journey from being a student to becoming a teacher.
  • What other teachers are doing to feel comfortable and awesome about their teaching.
  • How raising your rates can help you get more students and grow your business.
  • Eric gives great advice for teachers who feel like they can’t charge more than what they’re charging.
  • Learn different ways to improve the way you market yourself as a teacher in the next 6-12 months.
  • Do you need to differentiate yourself and your teaching?
  • The story behind co-founding the tech startup, Fons.
  • The different features of Fons and how it helps teachers in their studios.

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Today’s Guest

TopCast 274 - Is it time to double your rates? Chat with Eric Branner of Fons

Eric Branner is the CEO/co-founder of, an award winning web-based platform that streamlines payment and scheduling for appointment-based businesses. He is also a Seattle-based guitarist, teacher, author, songwriter, and owner of the Blackforrest Music School.

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