We’re now in day 5 of our Hesitant to Hero Challenge Series on the podcast and today’s topic is all about connections through chords. By helping students see the connections between old and new music, we can unlock huge potentials in our students and deepen their understanding as well. Today, we are going to demonstrate how we connect Ace of Base to CPE Bach and Beethoven to Adele. We will also show you how to unpack the music that your students are already learning, help them analyze the chords in harmony, and then deepen their understanding of the repertoire that they’re already playing. Let’s jump in.
- Making connections between old and new music.
- How the chord progressions are relevant to your students learning regular pieces.
- The key question you need to ask your students.
- The benefits of making these connections.
- Discussing today’s homework.
- Sample homeworks.
Links Mentioned
TC284: Chord Quick Wins – Hesitant to Hero Challenge Day 1
TC285: Lead Sheets in Lesson 1 – Hesitant to Hero Challenge Day 2
TC286: Repertoire Remix – Hesitant to Hero Challenge Day 3
TC287: Hook, Line and Sinker – Hesitant to Hero Challenge Day 4
Member Links:
Hesitant to Hero: Hook Your Students with our Top 5 No-Book Teaching Techniques
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