342: Playful Learning: Why You Should Use Music Games During Music Lessons

342: Playful Learning: Why You Should Use Music Games During Music Lessons

In this exciting episode, we delve into the world of music education through music games and playful learning. And in today’s show, we’re shaking things up a bit with a podcast takeover of the Piano Game Gurus themselves, Tara Wright and Georgina Wilson. They’ve taken over the reins of the podcast today to talk about a topic that’s close to their hearts – the transformative power of music games during music lessons.

Tune in as they discuss why incorporating games into your teaching approach can revolutionize the learning experience for students of all ages. From enhancing engagement and retention to fostering positive associations with music learning, Tara and Georgina share insights that will inspire you to infuse your lessons with the magic of play. So let’s dive in as they explore the myriad benefits of music games. And finally, get a sneak peek into their upcoming workshop on TopMusicGames.

  • Tara and Georgina highlight how games not only make lessons more engaging but also provide a dynamic way for students to learn and retain important concepts.
  • Games are not restricted to young students and can offer an interactive and enjoyable approach to learning for all ages.
  • Utilizing games to foster positive associations with learning music, leading to heightened motivation to the learning process.
  • Insights on how games can reveal students’ areas of struggle, prompting more focused teaching on those specific challenges.
  • Using games to encourage students to problem-solve independently, enhancing their learning experience and boosting their confidence.
  • The value of digital games in teaching, bridging the gap between technology and music education.
  • How games provide opportunities for students to teach themselves, promoting self-guided learning outside of lessons.
  • Using games to engage siblings in music lessons, fostering friendly competition and collaborative learning.

Links Mentioned

Today’s Hosts

342: Playful Learning: Why You Should Use Music Games During Music Lessons

Tara Wright

Tara Wright has nearly two decades of experience as a music educator and is the founder of Melodic Mentors where she creates resources and inspires other music educators by combining her expertise in running successful music schools with her background in web design, wedding planning, and ostrich farming. She is also the Community Manager of TopMusicPro.

Georgina Wilson

Georgina Wilson is a piano teacher who is a big believer in making music education fun and engaging for both the students and the teachers. She runs BusyLittleTurtle, a site dedicated to quirky and creative music resources that help make teachers’ teaching lives a little easier and give students another reason to love their music lessons! She is also the Social Media Manager of TopMusicPro.

Today’s Sponsor

Practice Space is an innovative music lesson platform, bringing fun and engagement to your students’ practice routine. The platform offers interactive features such as a leaderboard, long-term goals, and ‘practice gems’ which can be redeemed in a customized shop. Teachers enjoy the ease of assigning digital tasks and organizing multimedia files with a simple tagging feature. Also, students can share practice videos and receive timely feedback, making the learning process exciting and interactive. Practice Space — a game-changer for music education!

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